The Corruption Perception Index brings Estonia to a positive high record

31.01.2024 | 15:18

In the 2023 corruption perception index published by Transparency International on Tuesday, Estonia achieved the highest result since 2012. Among 180 countries, Estonia shares 12th place with Canada.
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Compared to 2016, Estonia's result has improved by six points. In the European comparison, Estonia is one of the two countries whose result slightly improved in a year.

Perception of corruption in Europe. Illustration by Transparency International

Among the anti-corruption activities of the Estonian state level in 2023, the creation of an open governance road map and the abolition of the so-called roof money are highlighted. At the same time, the whistleblower protection law, the draft of which was prepared by the Ministry of Justice of Estonia, is still unadopted, but currently being processed by the Parliament. Amendments to the Political Parties Act and communication with lobbyists at the level of the Parliament and local governments are yet to be implemented.

The corruption perceptions index evaluates 180 countries and territories based on their perceived level of corruption in the public sector from 0, which indicates a very corrupt country, to 100, according to which the country is free of corruption. Estonia was evaluated with 76 points. The results reflect the assessments of experts and the business community.

In 2023, anti-corruption efforts have either stagnated or regressed in more than three-quarters of the countries assessed.

Western Europe and the European Union remain the highest scoring regions. For the first time in ten years, the region's 2023 average score has also dropped from 66 to 65. Only six of the 31 countries of the European Union and Western Europe, including Estonia, have significantly improved their results since 2012, while eight have been on the decline.

The Corruption Perceptions Index is the aggregate result of up to 13 independent studies and assessments by expert groups. The index does not reflect private sector corruption and money laundering cases. All results of the Corruption Perceptions Index 2023 and regional analyses may be found on Transparency International's website.

The Corruption Perceptions Index has been compiled and published by Transparency International since 1995.

Andri Küüts

Public Relations Advisor