‘We expect that the congress, whose main topic is the rights of children, will bring together about 500 delegates. Researchers, policy makers, and practitioners who come into contact with children and families in their work are welcome. It provides an excellent platform for addressing on-going or emerging challenges to the well-being of children, including in the context of various crises. An ever-changing and at times rapidly changing world puts children in a difficult reality – the congress explores effective, evidence-based and innovative strategies to address these challenges. The congress provides a good opportunity to bring together knowledge related to child protection from around the world,’ said Brit Tammiste, Congress Co-chair and Adviser to the Ministry of Justice.
The congress will take place in Tallinn at the Creative Hub. In addition to the official programme of the congress, there will also be several field trips – to the Tallinn children’s house, the Tallinn Prison, and the Valgejõe Study Centre of the Maarjamäe Education College. You can see more information about the field trips here.
A social programme has also been developed for the participants, during which there will be daytrips to Lääne County and Lahemaa National Park. It will also be possible to get acquainted with the Old Town of Tallinn, do sports, and sing with amateur choirs. Information about the social programme can be found here.
You can register here to participate in the congress.