State-of-emergency legislation and translations are available at Riigi Teataja

18.03.2020 | 18:03

18.03.2020. To ensure that state-of-emergency legislation could be found from a single place, this information is available on the website of Riigi Teataja in the form of direct links. 
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18.03.2020. To ensure that state-of-emergency legislation could be found from a single place, this information is available on the website of Riigi Teataja in the form of direct links.

Acts of the Government of the Republic and orders of the head of state-of-emergency will be published as soon as these have been submitted by the Government Office. Any amendments to the current legislation will be published in the most up-to-date and valid wording. In order to distinguish between the older and newer versions, the word “New” is added.

The publication of new state-of-emergency legislation will also be announced on the Facebook page of Riigi Teataja.

All legislation will be translated into Russian and English. Legislation in Russian can be found at Чрезвычайное положение and legislation in English at Emergency Situation.

Estonian acts and translations are both constantly updated.  Any amendments will be published in the up-to-date version of the full text.

For more information, please send an email to [email protected].


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