Riigi Teataja on Eesti Vabariigi ametlik võrguväljaanne, milles avaldatakse õigusaktid ja muud dokumendid. Samuti leiate Riigi Teataja veebilehelt eelnõude otsingu, kohtuteabe, seadus- ja õigusuudiseid ning võimaluse õigusteabe tellimiseks Minu Riigi Teataja kasutajaks registreerudes.
Juristaitab.ee veebileht aitab leida vastuseid igapäevaelu õigusküsimustele ning ka dokumendivormide näidiseid.
Euroopa e-õiguskeskkonna portaal on tulevikus õigusala elektrooniline keskpunkt kõikideks toiminguteks.
17.12.2020. Estonia has won the the right to host the annual European Congress of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect (ISPCAN). The event, which is…
30.10.2020. During yesterday’s cabinet meeting, the members of the Government gave their support to transferring cross-border IT solutions in the area of justice to the IT-agency eu-LISA.
21.08.2020. On 23 August, a memorial ceremony and concert will take place at the Memorial to the Victims of Communism, on the occasion of the Remembrance Day for Victims of Totalitarian Regimes.
3.04.2020. The options of the recently launched remote notarial authentication will be expanded significantly. From now on, it will be possible to authenticate, for example, real estate…
3.04.2020. At today’s sitting, the Government approved the draft legislation suspending the obligation for companies to file for bankruptcy and imposing a ban on creditors filing for bankruptcy…
3.04.2020. Yesterday, The Government approved the draft legislation submitted by the Ministry of Justice, making it possible to use more digital solutions in criminal and misdemeanour…
19.03.2020. The Council for Administration of Courts considers it important that Estonian courts ensure the proper functioning of the administration of justice during emergency situation, while…
18.03.2020. To ensure that state-of-emergency legislation could be found from a single place, this information is available on the website of Riigi Teataja in the form of direct links.